Thursday, December 23, 2010

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snooow!

Well the weather outside is frightful, but Anne is enjoying her crocheting. As long I have the yarn, let it rain, let it rain, let it RAIIIIN!!!!!

Do you like? I know I am soo ingenius! But it is sooo true, I have been crocheting like crazy! I have a blanket in 'the working process', but it has taken a back seat for a while as I have started making the family scarfs. I have orders for Sarah and George (even though he doesn't care *smile*) I have also been practicing my Christmas Carols, as my loving father asked me to play every week for advent at our church. Any way, the first scarf that I did was for Abby

and then Lindsay put in her order

and then Sarah hers, but I am still waiting for her yarn

and then Hannahs,

Our pasters wife gave me a skein and here is mine

I also decided George would need one in this color.....

and today we went to Joanns and I got these two for myself for a scarf also!

My dear mother kindly put in her order of these dishclothes, and here I kindly bought the green!

I also decieded that before/after the new year my mother could, should, and would teach me to knit. Not thinking about how she JUST learned that art - I did ask! She showed me after the youtube video didn't help. I am attempting a scarf for myself - YIPPEE!!! I will have some pictures when I am clicking along! HEHE

What have you been doing in the yarn department? LOL!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just thought I should let you know that the second yarn you bought, I have had one of those and they are a little hard to work with.

I love crocheting. I was crocheting a lot before I had to get Christmas presents done.
