Thursday, August 12, 2010


Is summer really almost over? I mean don't get me wrong, but come on, summer just started! Well we have off in October (Our Apples will need to be canned!) I am not that excited about starting school, cause I have to read my own history :( BUT in the mean time I have soo much to finish - why don't you take a look!

Love Comes Softly (Love Comes Softly Series, Book 1)

I am reading many books - but I like to focus on one book at a time! So here is the one that I have to finish in 2 weeks or less :/

(This is not what my crochet looks like ;) I am currently trying to finish the afghan that I started crocheting 5 years ago :/

( This is also not the same as mine;) I am finishing a cross-stitch that I started about 2 years ago :/

(this is not the same pattern) I am going to finish the jumper that I started about the beginning of this years ;)

I am going to finish the slit that I have hopefully by Sunday :)

So ya - on top of all that I am going to start math early since I'm behind :(

Anyway I found a band called The Rubyz - its a Christian band, unfortualtly they are not singing anymore :( Some of the songs that I like by them are on my playlist! At the bottom!


(P.S. the pictures are not mine)


Anonymous said...


Megan said...

Sounds like you will have a busy end of summer. You lucky that you get off in October too.

I am new to your blog and following you. I would love if you stopped by my blog and followed me.


Ann said...

I can't believe summer is ending either! It's so sad. Love Comes Softly has been on my reading list too.

Lucia said...

Hello Anne!

Thanks so much for entering my giveaway. I can't wait to see who wins!


Anonymous said...

Hi Anne,
I like brothers and sisters. I wish I could have a sister.
But I think I would be sad without my brothers!!!