Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A sick mother, and so much more!

Dear Mommy got sick this past week, and she is finally feeling better, but the thing you all want to know is HOW we got sick! Well that is what I will tell you!

A couple weeks ago my dad stayed home, NOT a normal thing, that was prabably the first time in like 15 yrs that he stayed home from work, and then EXACTLY a week later he got sick AGAIN!!! Well last week Abby and George both got sick and Lindsay complained of a aching tummy, well yesterday the Public Health department called and said the bactiria growing in us was caused from, CHICKENS!!! So we are going lysol! LOL!

Thanks guys for all the prayers, mom is feeling much better!


Some friends of ours gave us a chicken that they didn't want, and the name was pineapple! We all thought of pineapple chicken, as the bird WAS meant for meat, but as it grew it got stubborn and was one of the most ANNOYING birds EVER!! Well she started crossing the road and yesterday Dad watch a truck and trailer run over her :( Yes I am very happy that I don't have to deal with her sqwaking and well it is more maddening that they didn't stop :(

Well that is all for now,


KyAnn said...

Glad your mom is feeling better! So sorry she got sick at all. :(

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne,
Is it better now that I have commented LOL!
Anyway poor pineapple! My mom and I told my brother and he said. "Their pineapple got run over"

anne said...

Kyann: Thanks, she is actully up and moving! She said her stomach is still bothering her, but is fine!

K: Yes, it is!

Nathan: I know, poor pineapple, I think! LOL! I wasn't even crying, but if it was forrest . . . . ;)

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